Über Veronica Posth

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Bisher hat Veronica Posth, 16 Blog Beiträge geschrieben.

Grossartige Nouveau Cirque Vorstellung in Eupen

Von |2018-03-02T14:55:48+01:002. März, 2018|

Grossartige Nouveau Cirque Vorstellung der französischen Compagnie Lapsus mit "six pieds sur terre" in Eupen im Kulturzentrum "Alter Schlachthof" im Rahmen des diesjährigen Festivals "schrit_tmacher justDANCE!" kurze Nachtkritik von Veronica Posth   Holzkisten, Ziegel, Eierschalen und ein Seil sind die Bestandteile, die ständige Veränderungen, Überraschungen und pures Vergnügen mit sich bringen. Die Compagnie Lapsus [...]

Compagnie Lapsus “Six pieds sur terre” at schrit_tmacher Festival: Just georgeous!

Von |2018-03-02T08:15:15+01:001. März, 2018|

 Georgeous Performance of Nouveau Cirque in Eupen | B Compagnie Lapsus excites the audience and the critiques with their "Six pieds sur terre" by Veronica Posth   Wooden boxes, bricks, egg shelves and a rope create the set that is constantly changed bringing surprises and pure amusement. The Compagnie Lapsus presents Six pieds sur [...]

Compagnie Virginie Brunelle (CDN) To the pain that lingers

Von |2018-03-02T15:44:28+01:001. März, 2018|

The piece To the pain that lingers presents a 70 minutes of emotional turbulence where the complexity of pain is largely inspected. Six dancers, two men and four women interact with each other limning emotional, vulnerable reactions with agile but grounded bodies. - schrit_tmacher justDANCE! in Heerlen nightreview by Veronica Posth Pain. The word [...]

To the pain that lingers

Von |2018-03-01T12:57:15+01:001. März, 2018|

Compagnie Virginie Brunelle (CDN) presented in Heerlen at schrit_tmacher justDANCE! Festival their intensely running dance piece "to the pain that lingers" nightreview by Veronica Posth Virginie Brunelle is a Canadian Choreographer whose works are spiced with natural, intimate, crude emotions. In to the pain that lingers six dancers, looking dejected, lost and despairing seem [...]

not to be hold, not to be saved…

Von |2017-10-28T21:56:32+01:0025. Oktober, 2017|

Gala Moody and Michael Carter succeed with "THE VASE" in Krefeld nightreview by Nicole Strecker translated by Veronica Posth   The woman is not to be hold, not to be saved. Medea, the most brutal, most invincible heroine of the Greek myth world, mother and monster, lamentable victim and incomprehensibly vindictive perpetrator. In 2014 [...]

… a concentrate of meditative calm and dance poetry!

Von |2017-10-24T13:00:17+01:0024. Oktober, 2017|

„Musiques et Mots pour Emmanuel“ at Festival „Move!“ in Krefeld nightreview by Bettina Trouwborst translated by Veronica Posth   With Raimund Hoghe, the festival 'Move!' 16th Krefeld Days for Modern Dance, hosts a prominent choreographer of the free scene. Hoghe lives in Düsseldorf and Paris. In France the melancholic master of danced minimalism has [...]

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